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Cheesy Tomato Pizza Rolls

Cheesy Tomato Pizza Rolls

These cheesy tomato rolls can be made with a simple pizza base.

They make a great option for an affordable, delicious weekend snack or a lunchtime treat.

The recipe comes from The Tomato Stall, who grow their organic tomatoes in the sunshine and fertile soils of the Isle of Wight and sell them in juicy, monthly box subscriptions, sauces and juices.

cooked pizza rolls

Serves: 4

Preparation time: 10 minutes

Cooking time: 2 ½ hours


Isle of Wight Tomato Sauce:

  • 2 tbsp olive oil
  • 3 cloves garlic, peeled and sliced
  • 1 kilo Organic Isle of Wight Tomatoes, chopped
  • ½ - 1tsp red wine vinegar
  • ½ - 1 tsp caster sugar
  • Salt & pepper
  • Half a small bunch basil 


  • 375g strong plain flour
  • 7g dried yeast
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 2tbsp olive oil
  • 200ml warm water


  • 120g grated cheese (cheddar, cooking mozzarella, or a mixture)
  • 1tsp dried oregano
  • Salt & pepper


Mix the flour, yeast, oil, and salt in a large bowl, or in the bowl of your food mixer if you have one with a dough hook.   Add the warm water and knead until smooth and elastic or use the mixer for 2-3 minutes.  The dough should be soft but not sticky.

Form the dough into a ball, put it into a large, clean bowl, drizzle with a little olive oil and cover for 90 minutes until it’s doubled in size.

Meanwhile, make the tomato sauce.  Heat the oil in a large saucepan and add the garlic, it will sizzle, swirl it around for no longer than a minute. Make sure it doesn’t start to colour, then add the tomatoes. 

Turn down the heat and leave them to cook for half an hour.  Season and taste, adding a little red wine vinegar and/or a little sugar, to your taste.  Add the torn basil. Leave to cool. 

Note: This will make more sauce than you need for the pizza rolls but is great stirred into pasta and will keep in the fridge for a week and freezes beautifully.

Take the dough out and give it a quick knead then flatten the dough into a rectangular shape, about the size of a standard baking tray.

Spread the tomato sauce evenly over the dough, leaving one of the long edges clear. Sprinkle the cheese over the sauce, add the oregano and seasoning.

Roll up the dough like a swiss roll, working towards the clear edge. Close the roll by lifting the clear edge to prevent the filling leaking out.

Slice the rolled dough into nine equal pieces and put in a greased baking dish or small baking tray. Space the rolls out as they will expand.  Cover the tray and leave it for 30 minutes.

Preheat the oven to 180°c.  Brush with a little olive oil and bake for 30 minutes, or a little longer if you think the rolls aren’t quite done.

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