Leek, Pear & Walnut Pizza with Blue Cheese smaller.jpg

Leek, Pear & Walnut Pizza with Blue Cheese

Leek, Pear & Walnut Pizza

All the toppings get a quick turn in a dash of oil so that they roast on the pizza rather than scorch in the intense heat.

leek, pear walnut pizza 


  • 3 large or 4 smaller leeks
  • olive oil
  • 1 lemon
  • 2 pears
  • 60g walnuts
  • 10g rosemary
  • 2 spelt pizza bases
  • 100g blue cheese
  • 50g salad leaves
  • 1 courgette


Start by preheating your oven to the highest possible setting. Make sure your oven shelf is near the top of the oven.

Trim the leeks and slice them in half, lengthways. Wash them well and slice at a sharp angle into 1cm strips.

In a frying pan, gently stir-fry the leeks in 2 tbsp olive oil for 4-5 mins until starting to soften. Season with salt, pepper and a dash of lemon juice.

Quarter the pears, lengthways, cut out the core then slice each piece into 4 wedges.  Coat with a dash of oil.

Coat the walnut pieces in a little oil and season with salt. Strip and finely chop the leaves from 1 large rosemary stalk.

Divide the leeks across the 2 pizza bases. Scatter over the sliced pear. Crumble over the blue cheese. Sprinkle over the walnuts and rosemary.

If the pizzas start look a bit crowded with ingredients, save some cheese and walnuts and add to your salad at the end. Finish with a grind of pepper.

Slide the pizzas directly onto the oven shelf (this helps to crisp the base). Cook for 6-8 mins, until the cheese on top has melted and the edges are starting to colour. The timing may vary depending on the oomph of your oven.

Meanwhile, wash and drain the salad leaves. Wash the courgette. Peel the courgette downwards into long thin ribbons, turning it as you go, until only the soft, seedy core remains.

Dress the courgette and salad leaves with some lemon and olive oil, to taste. Serve alongside your pizza, fresh from the oven.

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