
Eversfield's Woodfired Pizza

Eversfield's Woodfired Pizza

Makes approx. 500g dough. 120g dough makes a thin 8-inch pizza, 170g dough makes a 12-inch pizza.

Allow extra dough for a deep base.


For the base:

  • 500g organic strong white bread flour (or 00)
  • 1 tsp active yeast
  • 1 tbsp olive oil
  • 250 – 300ml tepid water

For the toppings:


Mix the flour, yeast, salt and warm water and knead for around 7 minutes.

Divide the dough into four balls (for 8 inch pizzas) and place in a well-floured container or tray covered with a tea towel or loose clingfilm.

Allow to prove for 3-4 hours at room temperature.

Tip: In hot weather reduce the yeast to ¾ tsp.

Once proved stretch into bases of your chosen size and thickness and top with:

  • classic marinara sauce,
  • organic mozzarella,
  • honey smoked streaky bacon,
  • red peppers,
  • fresh tomatoes and
  • thyme or basil.

Drizzle with a little olive oil and bake in a hot wood-fired oven until crisp, golden and bubbling.