
Lilo Ask-Henriksen's Organic Vegan Quiche

Simple Organic Vegan Quiche

Lilo Ask-Henriksen is a health consultant, foodie and blogger, taking a synergetic approach to food. Her blog, Honey&Roots applies her extensive education to delicious and easy recipes, such as this fantastic vegan quiche, with tofu, courgette, mushrooms and asparagus.


  • 2 tbsp flaxseeds
  • 100ml lukewarm water
  • 150g courgette
  • 3 tbsp nutritional yeast
  • Approx. 125g cornflour
  • Himalayan salt
  • Coconut Oil


  • 200g tofu
  • tbsp curry powder
  • 100g mushrooms
  • 150g asparagus
  • 100g cherry tomatoes
  • Freshly ground black pepper


Start by soaking the flaxseeds in the lukewarm water. Grate the courgette and leave it in a big mixing bowl.

Blend the soaked flaxseeds in a blender (with the water) until it becomes a thick mass.

Now, mix this mass with the courgette.

Add in the nutritional yeast, cornflour and a pinch of salt while mixing well, until the dough can be kneaded by hand.

Add the oil to the quiche tin or use baking paper for the quiche to come out clean and easily. Gently press the pastry into the tin, moulding it to the outside as you go (don’t worry if it breaks, patch up any holes with spare pastry). Then pre-bake the pastry in the oven for approx 15 minutes on 180*C.

Meanwhile, prepare the filling...

Blend the tofu with the curry powder in a mixing bowl and chop all the the vegetables, except 4 of the cherry tomatoes and add them to the tofu mix.

Now remove the pre-baked pastry and add the mixed tofu filling. Finely slice the 4 cherry tomatoes and add on top of the quiche filling.

Add freshly ground black pepper and bake the quiche in the oven on 200°C for 10-12 minutes, until the filling is set.

Leave to cool slightly, then serve with a crisp green, organic salad.