
Cheddar Farls with Crispy Honey Streaky Bacon

Cheddar Farls with Crispy Honey Bacon

Try out these delicious Cheddar Farls created by our friends at Eversfield - they will delight your friends on a Sunday brunch.

Ingredients - Serves 4

For the farls:

  • 450g self-raising flour
  • 1 tsp bicarbonate of soda
  • 1 tsp English mustard powder
  • 2 tsp yellow mustard seeds, crushed
  • 150g vintage mature cheddar, grated
  • 280ml buttermilk, mixed with 90ml whole milk
  • Salt and pepper

To serve:

  • 4 strings of cherry tomatoes on the vine
  • Olive oil
  • 12 rashers Roam & Relish Honey Smoked Streaky Bacon
  • Butter, for spreading



  1. Preheat the oven to 220°C/Gas mark 7. Sift the flour, bicarbonate of soda, 1 teaspoon salt and mustard powder together into a bowl and stir in the mustard seeds and cheddar. Make a well in the centre, add the buttermilk mixture and mix together into a soft, slightly sticky dough.
  2. Turn the dough out onto a lightly floured surface and very quickly and gently shape it into a 22cm round. Lift it onto a lightly floured non-stick baking sheet and cut into 8 wedges. Separate the wedges to give them room to rise and spread, sprinkle with a bit more flour and bake for 20 minutes until golden brown.
  3. While the farls are cooking, put the strings of cherry tomatoes into a small roasting tin, drizzle with a little olive oil and season lightly. After the farls have been cooking for 10 minutes, slide the tin of tomatoes alongside the farls and roast for 10 minutes.
  4. Meanwhile heat a griddle over a high heat until smoking, reduce the heat to medium and cook the bacon until crisp and golden.
  5. Remove the farls from the oven, slice them in half and spread with butter. Fill with the bacon rashers and serve with the tomatoes.


Find more about Eversfield and their organic farm here: eversfieldorganic.co.uk