
Avocado, Tahini and Olive Smash Flatbreads

Avocado, Tahini and Olive Flatbreads

A call to all avocado lovers - Anna Jones' zesty twist on avocado toast

Vegetarian cook and food writer Anna says: "I try to sneak avocados in anywhere I can. I love their buttery, grassy, rich creaminess. The last five years has seen avocado on toast elbow its way on to every breakfast and lunch menu in the land. Avocado on toast was something I grew up on, and my love of avos has undoubtedly been inherited from my mum.

So, I thought it was time to mix things up a bit, still making the most of how instantly delicious an avocado is but adding some more unusual favours.

Here I smash avocados with tahini, olives and lemon to make one of my new favourite lunches.

This is equally good on toast. I often double the recipe and serve it in bowls with home-made tortilla chips, to make an amazing snack for a crowd.”

 avocado flatbreads

Ingredients -

Serves 2 as a lunch, or 4 as a snack

  • 2 ripe organic avocados
  • ½ an organic lemon
  • 1 organic clementine, or ½ an organic orange
  • 2 tablespoons tahini
  • 2 handfuls of Kalamata olives
  • ½ a small clove of garlic
  • 4 organic flatbreads or tortillas
  • chilli flakes
  • toasted cumin seeds
  • fresh green herbs I use dill, basil or parsley
  • feta cheese (optional)


Get all your ingredients together.

Halve and de-stone the avocados and scoop the flesh into a bowl with a good pinch of salt and pepper. Squeeze over the juice of the lemon and the clementine or orange. Add the tahini and roughly smash and mash until you have a half smooth, half chunky mixture.

De-stone and roughly chop the olives and add them to the bowl. Very finely chop or grate the garlic and add that to the bowl too. Gently mix to combine. Heat the flatbreads either in a dry frying pan or on an open gas fame, turning them with tongs once they have browned a little. This will take a few seconds on a gas hob and more like 30 seconds to 1 minute in a pan.

Cut the flatbreads into quarters and pile on the avocado mixture.

Top with a scattering of chilli flakes, toasted cumin seeds and a few delicate herbs. If you like you can add a crumble of feta.