- Soil Association
- Take action
- Contacting your local MP

How to lobby your local MP
Lobbying your MP is one of the most effective ways to achieve change and can be a useful tactic across a wide range of issues.
Want to raise an issue with your local MP but not sure how? We have put together some handy tools to help you get in touch about the issues that matter. You can use one of our pre-written templates, or create your own, and you can email, write to, tweet or pick up the phone!
Find your local MP
Use Parliament’s official online look-up tool, and you can search by postcode, constituency or your MP’s name. This helpful tool provides you with the full range of contact details including their Twitter address. Alternatively, call the Public Information Office in Parliament on 020 7219 4272.
What to say
If you’re drafting your own letter or email, here are a few simple guidelines:
Keep to the point: MPs receive many letters and emails so make your points quickly and succinctly so that they key messages come across clearly.
Outline the situation: they may be unfamiliar with the issue so give the context and any relevant information.
Be clear with what you’re asking for: to avoid confusion over what’s being asked of them, state clearly what it is you are asking them to do, by when, and where.
Include your contact details: This is important so they can respond or ask further questions.
Next steps
It might take a couple of weeks to receive a response but if you haven’t heard after 2-3 weeks, you can give their office a call to make sure that they received your communication.