This is not just a climate emergency…
… our soils need saving and our wildlife is being driven to the brink

At COP26, we saw the headline announcement that 45 governments, including the UK, have pledged to protect nature and shift to more sustainable ways of farming.

This rhetoric is hugely welcome. It must now be translated into action. The UK Government must step up and place farming, diets, wildlife and climate change at the heart of their policy agenda.

You too can be part of the solution. Decisions are being made now - secure the right decisions for UK food and farming

Help set the UK on the right path for a safer climate future

Political leadership is needed

Government support for a transition to organic and nature-friendly farming is a vital part of the puzzle, and Government must commit to ensuring the food and farming sector plays its part in tackling climate change in line with the Paris Agreement. We need to see that our leaders are truly committed to keeping 1.5 degrees of global warming within reach.

Organic farming

We need Government to support our farmers to transition to agroecological farming, like organic.

Looking after nature, and the people who both care for and depend on her

In the UK, recent legislation will place a legal obligation on the Government to reverse the decline in our biodiversity. This is hugely welcome. We will be advising Government how to back nature-friendly solutions.

More trees on farms

Having trees as part of the farm network can increase land productivity by up to 40%, so weaving trees into our farming - known as agroforestry - is a positive way forward for climate friendly farming. On top of this, trees on farms can reduce floods and drought, benefit wildlife, and protect the soil. We need Government to support tree planting on more farms.

Looking after the soil

The Earth's soils store more than three times the amount of carbon in the atmosphere and four times the amount stored in all living plants and animals. And there are 10 billion tonnes of carbon stored in UK soils, so how our farmers treat the soil is vital. We know the solutions to increasing soil carbon and now we urgently need to act on these.

Together we can take the urgent action needed to ensure that UK policy makers make the right choices now while the world is so focused on a better outcome for the climate crisis

Please help us set the right future for UK food, farming, wildlife and forestry.