About our programmes in Scotland

Moving towards Agroecological farming practices and organic practices are some of the ways that farmers can help to mitigate climate change and restore wildlife to our landscapes. 

It is not only for nature; along with many farmers, we believe nature and climate-friendly farming can be good for profitability. We help build knowledge and confidence by providing access to the necessary know-how for agroecological uptake across the country through our speakers, demonstrations and workshops. Our programmes also bring farmers in Scotland together and create spaces to interact with experts and other stakeholders at practical on-farm events, to share best practice and to forge lasting connections that can provide the necessary support when shifting to nature friendly farming.

These projects were funded by The Scottish Government through the Knowledge Transfer and Innovation Fund. The Government has set out its vision for Scotland becoming a leader in sustainable and regenerative agriculture. 

Landscape Leadership

Landscape Leadership united land owners and managers who wanted to work collaboratively towards transformative environmental change at landscape scale in Scotland.

Rural innovation Support Service (RISS)

The Rural Innovation Support Service (RISS) connected farmers and land managers with the right people and helped them develop a viable, innovative project.