The Rottal Estate CREDIT Andy Buchanan (web).png

Congratulations SNP

Congratulations SNP

We would like to congratulate Nicola Sturgeon and her SNP colleagues for winning the Scottish Parliament election and welcomes the party’s pledge on healthy school meals and support for organic farming. 

The Soil Association would like to congratulate the Scottish National Party (SNP) on their election win. As we emerge from the pandemic, we have the opportunity to work together to build a good food nation which tackles inequalities and contributes to a green recovery.

Soil Association Scotland Director Aoife Behan said “I am delighted that the SNP manifesto pledges to expand the successful Food for Life initiative in Scotland and commits to doubling the area of land farmed organically over the next four years.

“Scotland can now lead the way in the UK, by ensuring no child goes hungry, and by ensuring that school meals are healthy and sustainable. This is not only for our next generation’s health but has a huge benefit for Scottish farmers and food suppliers as well as the environment."

Through the Soil Association's award-winning Food for Life programme, we are committed to helping the Scottish Government ensure that school meals (including holiday entitlement and breakfast clubs) are tasty, nutritious, and healthy. This is what our young people deserve – having a good meal is proven to help tackle the very real inequalities children in Scotland face and support learning.

We face a huge task ahead to deal with the climate emergency. The Soil Association supports farmers across Scotland to move towards agroecology – more sustainable farming working with nature – helping to protect our soils, providing healthier and more sustainable food and nurturing healthy landscapes for the future.

Find out more about the Soil Association's top priorities for Government here.