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Organic cotton
What is organic cotton?
Many of us don’t realise that what we wear started life in the soil. Cotton is grown in a field, the fluffy fibre is picked and then spun into thread. Once cotton has been woven, it is light, breathable, easy to work with and easy to wear. This is why more than half the clothes sold in the UK are made from cotton.
There are various sustainable cottons available. To be sure that what you are buying is grown in a sustainable way, choose certified organic cotton. Organic farming is the only system that doesn't use highly toxic substances. It's better for the environment and works for the long-term benefit of people and the planet.
Watch our video with Hubbub, to learn what organic cotton really means, and why it matters:
5 reasons why organic cotton is better:
1. Combats climate change
Organic farmers use natural methods to grow cotton, not fossil-fuel based fertilisers. They work with nature to build healthy soils that store carbon, and help to combat climate change. Read our Cool Cotton report about the positive impacts organic cotton can have on climate change.
2. Saves and protects precious water
Organic cotton is better for water than non-organic cotton. Organic farming creates healthy soils, which act like a sponge. They soak up water during floods and hold it for longer in times of drought. Organic farming doesn't use hazardous synthetic pesticides and fertilisers. This means our rivers, lakes and drinking water are kept cleaner too.
3. Helps farmers feed their families
Organic farmers always grow other crops alongside their cotton. This balanced system keeps soils healthy, encourages wildlife and protects topsoil. These crops also provide farming families and their communities with a more stable, abundant and diverse food supply. Learn more about the connection between organic cotton farming and food security.
4. Gives control to farmers not GM companies
Genetically modified (GM) seeds are banned in organic farming. Farmers are not reliant on a handful of GM companies. Instead, they save their seeds each year. They work with the environment in a long-term, sustainable way. Read our 'Failed Promises' report to learn more about the rise and fall of GM cotton in India.
5. Doesn't use hazardous synthetic pesticides
Organic farmers use natural methods like crop rotation to control pests and diseases. Synthetic pesticides used in non-organic farming can damage ecosystems and poison waterways. They can also be dangerous to workers who can't afford the necessary safety equipment to protect themselves. Conventional cotton alone uses 16 percent of all insecticides sold worldwide.
Organic manufacturing - from farm to factory:
Organic isn’t just about how cotton is grown, but also what happens in the factory. Certified organic ensures that cotton is grown and manufactured in a way that benefits people and planet. Look out for the The Global Organic Textile Standard (GOTS) label and learn more about the GOTS standards.
Make the pledge to choose certified organic clothing
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