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Call for Post-Brexit Transition

Call for Post-Brexit Transition

We're joining a call from the farming sector for commitments on post-Brexit transition

Fourteen farming organisations have come together to issue a joint statement on UK Government to provide short-term certainty for farmers as exiting the European Union and the Common Agricultural Policy draws closer.

As a member of the Farming Roundtable, we welcome the level of unanimity of purpose which has been established by our sector in coming together to ensure a single clear message to Government. Today’s joint statement covers critical issues facing all producers, such as the need to create more effective supply chains, and ensure our high standards of animal welfare and food provenance are maintained.

Of course, the Soil Association will maintain its stance with many other NGO’s calling for farmers to be rewarded for providing public goods in future as well as seeking ongoing support for organic farmers in recognition of the environmental benefits produced by this system of production.

The Statement in full is available here