Healthy Sustainable Food in Edinburgh
On 12 November 2015, Food for Life Scotland ran an event in Edinburgh in association with Food Researchers in Edinburgh (FRiED) which was created in order for senior professionals from across the tertiary education sector to help identify the major challenges and explore solutions to achieving healthy and sustainable food.
A number of speakers attended from across the UK. They provided some of the health and policy context in Scotland as well as highlighting the vital role of healthy and sustainable catering within tertiary education. Included in the presentations were some of the real life benefits that institutions have seen from taking a whole settings approach to food – embedding good food in both policy and practice across their organisation.
The event was deliberately interdisciplinary – with procurement, catering, sustainability and learning professionals invited. 38 people attended from different departments of universities and colleges as well as partner organisations and interested parties.
The event report details the outcomes of the discussions that were held. It is clear that there are many varied solutions to the significant barriers we face as well as a great degree of collective willingness to see those solutions implemented.
In terms of next steps, Food for Life Scotland invited delegates to take part in a future forum to discuss how a “whole settings approach” might be developed and implemented in Scotland’s universities and colleges. 22 of those present signed up to take part. Eight delegates also signed up to find out more about the Food for Life Catering Mark.
Feedback from the event has been very positive. Food for Life Scotland is grateful to all who attended and supported the day, including the venue’s management and catering staff who provided a healthy, tasty and sustainable lunch for delegates which helped exemplify Food for Life Scotland’s values.