NBSOIL - Nature Based Solutions for Soil Management
NBSOIL (Nature Based Solutions for Soil Management) is a four-year project which is taking an holistic vision of soil health through Nature Based Solutions (NBS)
The partnership will work collaboratively across Europe and other projects as part of the EU’s Soil Health Mission to enhance our knowledge base around NBS and create and pilot an NBSoil Academy - a blended open-source learning programme enabling at least 300 next generation soil advisors.
NBSoil will also help improve our understanding of Soil Health assessments, carry out monitoring and mapping relevant resources, inform policy and create a digital marketplace platform for NBS for Soil Management advisory services and training.
Get involved
To find out more or to get involved, see nbsoil.eu/.
Funded by the European Union
This work has received funding from UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) under the UK government’s Horizon Europe funding guarantee.