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- Organic poultry suppliers

Organic poultry suppliers
Access the latest list of organic poultry suppliers
You must use organic poultry from organically managed breeding flocks if they are available. We have collated a list of organic poultry suppliers, which is available below. The list includes table chicks, layer pullets, turkeys and geese. The suppliers listed must be contacted well in advance. No approval is required before bringing on organic birds.
Organic poultry suppliers list
PDF, 201KB
Download the list
This list is not definitive, other poultry rearers may exist. Other sources of poultry include:
If organic birds are not available, you may use non-organic birds, but they must be managed to full organic standards from three days old. You must have prior authorisation from your competent authority before bringing in any non-organic poultry. We will submit an application on your behalf. You may be asked for evidence that you have tried contacting organic suppliers.
We will need the following details from you to submit to the competent authority:
- why you cannot source them organically
- which organic suppliers you have contacted
- the number of birds you need
- the number of non-organic birds you plan to bring in and when
- the name of your suppliers
- whether any suppliers will be able to supply you with organic birds in future
A form with all the relevant questions is available below. This should be completed and submitted to your Certification Officer for approval before any non-organic poultry are brought in.
Derogation request for non-organic birds
DOC, 103KB
Download the form
Poultry vet and feed supplier declaration
Download the form
If you are bringing in non-organic pullets, please also complete and submit the vet and feed declaration.
If you have any questions, please contact your Certification Officer.