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- Livestock in Arable Farming 'How To' Guide
Livestock in Arable Farming 'How To' Guide
Mixed farming
Mixed farming is a system based around livestock and cropping, and is a key part of organic, agroecological and regenerative farming. This 'whole farm' approach can improve soil health, increase revenue and reduce input costs.
A good place to start
To reduce inputs, trials have shown the benefits of grazing winter cereals and oilseed rape. The weeds are grazed out and reduction in over-winter plant material reduces pest and disease pressures. Crops respond by tillering which increases yield potential. Cover crops deliver for soil health, most mixtures are grazeable, including those with cereals and brassica mixes.
What to expect
Although there can be practical issues bringing in livestock, good temporary fencing and mobile water systems resolve most of them. Ideally covers should not be grazed down to the ground – the ‘graze a third, trample a third and leave a third’ rule is a good one to follow.
Two common approaches:
Adding grass and clovers into arable rotations
By adding grass and clovers into arable rotations we can break disease cycles, improve soil structure, add organic matter and produce additional income. Lengthening the rotation can also help with weed control, particularly grass weeds like blackgrass. Herbal leys or simple diverse leys such as red clover/ryegrass ley can produce large yields of forage without fertiliser which can be sold or fed to cattle or sheep over winter, producing farmyard manure (FYM) as an additional resource. Longer term species like lucerne and sainfoin give the opportunity to sell high quality forage to others.
Using over-winter crops to protect soil
Over-winter cover crops protect soils from the risk of erosion. Their roots provide anchorage and also help feed key elements essential in soil biology. They can help recycle nutrients, reducing pollution risk. The plant material, when incorporated or left as mulch, in turn improves soil organic matter. Where cover crops are grown over winter for their soil health benefits, grazing can be used as a means of terminating covers, reducing the need for chemical methods. By converting plant material into dung and urine, you are recycling nutrients so that they become more available to plants. By using winter crops as feed for cattle and sheep you can also increase farm resilience by reducing expensive housing periods or reducing costs associated with winter feed production or purchase.
Likely timescales
Cover crops can be sown at any time, either by undersowing prior to harvest into a growing crop, or post-harvest. Your cover crop choices will influence grazing time, but some mixes can be grazed 6 to 8 weeks after planting. Some can be re-grazed. Manage your stocking densities to make sure that the crop is clear by drilling time, although crimpers or chemical methods can be used instead where appropriate, to terminate the crop.
Forage rape
Seed and cultivation cost: Low – can be broadcast
Grazing potential: 70-90 days after sowing
Yield potential: 4-5 tdm/ha
Notes: Brassica so care needed with rotations
Grazing rye
Seed and cultivation cost: High – due to high seedrate and seedbed preparation needed but can be direct drilled
Grazing potential: High and can be re-grazed
Yield potential: High
Notes: Can be cut for silage
Mustard/phacelia/buckwheat/berseem clover
Seed and cultivation cost: Medium – can be broadcast
Grazing potential: Frost intolerant so needs to be early grazed
Yield potential: Medium
Notes: Can be included in mixes with other species which can be grazed
Westerwolds ryegrass
Seed and cultivation cost: Medium – needs good seedbed but can be direct drilled
Grazing potential: Potential multiple grazes over length of crop
Yield potential: 10-18 tdm/ha if fertilised
Notes: 18-month crop, so not short term
PRG (or festolium)/red clover mix
Seed and cultivation cost: Medium – needs good seedbed but can be direct drilled
Grazing potential: Multiple cuts or grazes possible.
Yield potential: 10-20 tdm/ha possible without fertiliser
Notes: 18–36-month crop cut and grazed
Multi annual species cover crop mix including legumes, brassicas cereals
Seed and cultivation cost: High – can be direct drilled
Grazing potential: Grazeable in spring to terminate
Yield potential: Medium
Headline costs
In arable systems, cover crop seed can be a cost – the more complex the mix, the more expensive. But this can be offset by grazing charges or increased productivity of your farm’s own livestock. Cover crops can be sown pre- or post-harvest and do not need expensive equipment.
Next steps
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Good sources of further advice and information
AHDB: ahdb.org.uk/livestock-and-the-arable-rotation
Agricology: agricology.co.uk/resources/livestock-and-arable-rotation
Farmers Weekly: fwi.co.uk/business/business-management/agricultural-transition/livestock-in-the-arable-rotation-what-you-should-consider
National Sheep Association: nationalsheep.org.uk/workspace/pdfs/nsa-the-benefits-of-sheep-in-arable-rotations.pdf
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Download Livestock on Arable Farms How To Guide
With information on the basics and benefits, common approaches, likely timescales, headline costs and next steps
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