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Farming Ambassadors in Wales

We're Looking for Farming Ambassadors in Wales

As food, farming and land use policy enters a critical period in Wales politicians need to hear and see for themselves how nature friendly farming such as organic provides many of the solutions. We’re looking for farmers to help these conversations.

Perhaps you’re already engaging?

We’d love to hear from you.

We know that agroecological systems, like organic, produce healthy diets for all in a sustainable way that works with nature and tackles climate change. The incoming Agriculture (Wales) Act 2023 and Sustainable Farming Scheme could help to bring about a mainstream shift to agroecology in Wales, but the Act’s policy framework is very broad, and it’s not certain the final SFS falls will match its initially proposed ambition for farming with nature. The future policy may be more of a gentle ‘evolution’ than the sort of ‘revolution’ that is needed to provide a resilient pathway for farming in the face of climate change and nature loss. Its particularly concerning that Welsh Government seem ambivalent towards organic farming, with no action plan for the sector and no confirmed support for organic in the SFS.

Help us advocate for agroecology in Wales

As advocates for nature-based farming practices Farmer Ambassadors provide an expert voice from first-hand experience of agroecology, advocating for food systems that are built from this type of farming. We want to expand a network of ambassadors in Wales to help present the case for change to Welsh and UK Governments. Policy makers need confidence that change is both possible and demanded, and they also need to hear the challenges and risks involved in sustainable farming to avoid policy mistakes. Farmers have a crucial role in influencing those who hold the keys to the future - Members of the Senedd, Members of Parliament, civil servants – and in influencing fellow farmers, who can amplify behaviours and beliefs. We don’t underestimate the power of personal story, hence the Farming Ambassador programme.

Farming Ambassadors in Scotland and England have been active for several years, creating and sharing positive stories that showcase nature- and climate-friendly farming practices such as organic. In turn we’ve helped them create engaging content that resonates with the public, policy makers, and fellow farmers. Ambassadors have the chance to collaborate with other ambassadors, exchange ideas, and learn from each other's experiences. Being an ambassador is also an opportunity to showcase the farmer and their business to new and existing markets. And politicians are also important figures in local communities, often playing a convening role in bringing people together to find solutions. There’s much to be gained from getting to know local politicians.

Next steps

Pete Williams, Head of PR and Andrew Tuddenham, Head of Policy, Wales would be pleased to discuss how we could support you through the Farming Ambassador programme in Wales, or if you simply wanted advice before meeting politician/s. It’s helpful to hear of these meetings, so please do get in touch.
