
Risk of Bloat and New Forest Eye

Risk of Bloat and New Forest Eye

The recent warm, wet weather has meant several licensees have reported cases of New Forest Eye in both sheep and cattle. The flush of clover growth has also increased the risk of bloat. Here's what to look out for and how to take action:


For many, the recent rain has meant a welcome flush of growth in the past few weeks. However, the extended drought and the stress it has placed on plants may have favoured the clover in your forage and rapid growth might increase the risk of bloat in cattle. This is particularly true in dairy cows who are on and off pasture. Make sure your herd have something fibrous to balance rich clover.

New Forest Eye

New Forest Eye is also called Infectious Bovine Keratorconjunctivits (IBK), Silage eye, Pink eye or conjunctivitis and is one of the most common diseases of cattle. The main symptoms are runny eyes, red and inflamed conjunctiva and corneal ulcers in the later stages of infection. The disease is infectious so affected animals should be separated from the herd for treatment. Notify your Certification Officer if you have to treat a group of animals

For more information, visit Farm Health Online >