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- Groundswell 2023 event recordings

Groundswell 2023 - watch again
Links to recordings of sessions we hosted or participated in at Groundswell.
You can find recordings of most of the other Groundswell sessions on their YouTube playlist.
Building Greater Consensus to Support Regenerative, Nature Positive Change Across the Farming
How do we Build Greater Consensus & Secure Political Leadership to Support the Groundswell of Regenerative, Nature Positive Change Across the Farming Sector?
Speakers: Helen Browning OBE, Rt. Hon. Lord Benyon, Katie-Jo Luxton, Daniel Zeichner MP & Stuart Roberts
Intercropping – Practical Lessons
An opportunity to learn from experienced practitioners about the range of crops that can be teamed up together, what works and what doesn’t. It covers the practicalities of taking the crops the whole way through from drilling to harvest to marketing.
Speakers: Ben Adams, Andy Cato, Jerry Alford & David White
Bringing Your Land To Life: New Entrants, Community & Diversification
This session explores new approaches for farmers and landowners looking to diversify, focusing on agroecological solutions to build community, bringing new entrants and their businesses onto the land and multiplying beneficial connections.
Speakers: Ben Raskin & Oli Rodker
Rediscovering the Forgotten Value of Farm Woodland & Farm-Scale Forestry Opportunities
Does your farm woodland feel overlooked or perhaps an underutilised resource? This session looks into opportunities for UK farm woodland owners.
Speakers: Clive Thomas, Tom Ottaway, Oli Rodker & Tim Pagella
Sharing the Lessons Learned in Establishing Agroforestry Systems on Farms
This session hears from two farmers about their experiences of establishing agroforestry systems, focusing on the key essential to successfully establishing trees in a UK farm setting.
Speakers: Jon Haines, David Brewer & Alex Fraser
How Public Procurement Can Revolutionise Public Health & Farming
This panel explores what needs to be done at every step of the food chain to get local and regeneratively produced food into public procurement streams.
Speakers: Thomasina Miers, & Naomi Duncan, Anthony Mangnall MP, Rob Percival, Anne Simonnet
Farmer-Led Solutions to Underperforming Fields & Marginal Land
Through the Innovative Farmers programme, farmers and researchers are teaming up to trial a range of techniques from mob grazing in dairy farms, creating wildflower margins to tackle pests and using satellite data to inform effective pasture management.
Speakers: Kate Still, Dan Gammon, Frances Standen & David Clarke
Bale Grazing – Lessons From Our Field Lab
Six Pasture for Life member farms have come together in an Innovative Farmers Field Lab to undertake a four year study to explore the impacts of bale grazing on soil and forage.
Speakers: Nikki Yoxall, Stuart Mitchell, Silas Hedley- Lawrence, Ian Horsley & Claire Beaumont
Find out more
Find out more about our farming advisors on our Meet the Team page.
Find out more about Groundswell on YouTube and at groundswellag.com.