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Call for sector support against implementation of the Genetic Technologies Act

Call for sector support against implementation of the Genetic Technologies Act

Implementation of the Genetic Technologies (Precision Breeding Techniques) Acta call for sector support

Following the recent announcement that the Government will pass secondary legislation to the Genetic Technologies (Precision Breeding) Act, Soil Association, Soil Association Certification and several key UK organic bodies have written to the Minister of State for Environment and Rural Affairs expressing our concerns around the implementation of this Act. 

Why is the Genetic Technologies (Precision Breeding Techniques) Bill problematic? 

Read our September 2022 Trade News item to find out more about our wider concerns relating to the Genetic Technologies legislation.   

What does the organic sector believe must be considered in the implementation of the Act ? 

It is vital that the statutory instruments put in place ensure the safe release of genetically modified products and transparency within the supply chain, with clear labelling, to reassure and protect consumer choice, secure the organic and GMO-Free sector and to protect regional and international trade. You can read the full details of our ongoing concerns and key implementation asks in the template letter provided.  

What can I do? 

We are calling on our clients and other trade partners to join us in writing to the Minister asking him to consider the potential impacts of inadequate secondary legislation and to ensure that the implementation of the Act is fit for purpose. 

To assist, we have attached a template letter, the content of which is based on our recent communication sent to the Minister of State for Environment and Rural Affairs on behalf of the organic sector for you to use, should you wish to share our concerns with the Minister.  

A template letter can be downloaded here