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- Training courses and training services
- Excellence For Forests Training Programme

Excellence For Forests Training Programme
Our shared vision
More forests managed responsibly and more sustainable forest product supply chains
Our solution
Improved awareness and capacity for forest governance, responsible forest management and sustainable supply chains
Powered by
Knowledgeable and responsible professionals

Directional felling at Guyana’s Iwokrama Forest (received FSC® certification in October 2016)

Award-winning forest management Mpingo Conservation & Development Initiative, Tanzania
The issue
The world’s forests are under huge pressure – from agricultural commodity production, illegal logging, a changing climate, poor governance and unsustainable forest management practices.
According to statistics from the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), tropical forest cover decreased by more than 195 million hectares (ha) between 1990 and 2015, 76% (149 million ha) of which occurred in South America, Southeast Asia, and Central and West Africa. World Resources Institute analysis demonstrates that 2016 and 2017 were the two worst years for recorded deforestation, with approximately 16 million hectares lost in each of these two years alone. So, the picture for the world’s forests continues to get worse, not better and WWF predict a further dramatic decline in forest cover under a ‘do nothing’ scenario (Living Forests report, 2015), with 80% of the world’s deforestation likely to occur in 11 core ‘deforestation fronts’ around the world. These are places where the largest concentrations of forest loss or severe degradation are projected to occur up until 2030 under business-as-usual scenarios and without interventions to prevent losses.
So, what are the interventions and solutions to help ensure a more positive future for the world’s forests? Well at the Soil Association we believe there is no single solution but that awareness raising and training in forest governance, responsible forest management practices, along with sustainable supply chains interventions for consumers, are all part of the solution for a sustainable future. Forests, when managed responsibly, can provide a continual supply of forest-based livelihoods, carbon storage, clean water, protected soils, timber and fibre for the world.

Responsible Forest Management and Sustainable Forest Product Supply Chains Training group at Shuttleworth House, October 2018
Our solution
We’ve developed a number of courses under our ‘Excellence for Forests’ programme to support forest managers, responsible forest management professionals, NGOs, government and academia.

Responsible Forest Management and Sustainable Forest Product Supply Chains’ Training Course in Yangon, Myanmar, February 2020
Register your interest
Please fill in the form below to register for one of the courses offered in our Excellence for Forests Training Programme with your name, organisation, job role. Once submitted, we will be in touch with available course dates and prices.
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