- Soil Association
- Certification
- Forestry
- Contact the forestry team
- Stakeholder Consultation Guidance

Stakeholder Consultation Guidance
Before visiting forest sites, we contact a range of individuals and organisations that may wish to comment on a forest manager’s activities.
Our consultation with you should not replace any communication which may normally take place between yourself and the forest manager – you should raise your concerns with the forest manager first, as issues can often be resolved if forest managers are aware of them. If you are unable to do this please let us know your rationale. Positive feedback from stakeholders is always welcome.
A summary of issues raised and how they have been addressed will be included in our audit report (all reference to specific consultees will be excluded from the report and comments may be in confidence if so specified).
All reports will be publicly available on the FSC® online database or on the Soil Association Certification Forestry website, within three months of a certification decision (with the exception of reports from Pre-Assessments).
What are we interested in?
Individuals and organisations
Are you aware of any of the following?
- Problems with existing permissive or traditional forest uses
- Unreasonable refusal of access
- Problems regarding hunting
- Outstanding disputes over the conversion of forest land
- Evidence that legal or customary tenure, or use rights of local communities, are not sustained
- Lack of reasonable effort to employ and train workers from local communities
- Cases when employees have been deterred from joining unions or negotiating collectively
- Indigenous or traditional peoples living in or near the forest area
- Local communities who rely on the forest for subsistence needs
Statutory bodies
Are you aware of any of the following?
- Outstanding claims of legal non-compliance, or evidence that the relevant codes of practice, guidelines and agreements are not being followed
- Problems with consultation on revisions to management plans
- Inadequate consultation regarding sites and features of special cultural significance
- Significant negative environmental impact resulting from forest management
We do...
We do not...
Submit your comments
QMS Code: CA-FM-007b-01 May 2017
The Soil Association Certification Policy for Stakeholder Engagement (IP-FM-006) is available below. We always try to operate in an open and effective way and will do our best to address any concerns as quickly as possible. However, if you wish to make use of our complaints and dispute resolution system, please follow our guidance policy, Dispute Resolution Procedures (IP-GEN-004), which can be found here. If you are not satisfied with action taken through this system, you can take your concern to FSC or PEFC for their consideration.
QMS Code: GM-FM-003-01 May 2017