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- Ecosystem Services certification in Uganda

Ecosystem Services certification in Uganda
How FSC®’s Ecosystem Services certification is making a difference to Ugandan forests
So far, 17 forests have been awarded the FSC's Ecosystem Services certification by Soil Association Certification, with the first UK forest receiving certification in 2023. Here we highlight a project we’re auditing in Uganda, which was awarded certification for restoration of natural forest cover. This involves restoring native plant biodiversity in severely deforested areas, benefiting soil health, wildlife, local communities and the climate.
The forest is managed by Uganda Timber Growers Association (UTGA), a membership group comprised of landowners looking to make their timber production more sustainable. The group manage over 80,000 hectares of land in Uganda, the majority of this is plantation conifer and eucalyptus used for timber production.
Tackling deforestation
The group has committed to restoring a large area of natural forest in West Bugwe Central Forest Reserve. It’s an area that has been severely deforested in recent decades due to illegal harvesting of timber, firewood, charcoal burning, grazing and agricultural encroachment, resulting in 82% of forest cover being lost between 1986 and 2016.
To combat this, the forest restoration project started by setting aside all existing native ecosystem in the area for protection. Grazing and logging are no longer permitted here and areas are patrolled to ensure their continued survival.
Restoring indigenous species
In 2016, work also began to restore previously deforested areas. They have established a tree seedling nursery in the reserve and grown native indigenous broadleaf species like Milicia Excelsa and Antiaris Toxicaria for later planting. They have also cleared large areas of land of weeds and invasive species, before the native seedlings were transplanted.
The trees face many threats. Invasive plant species are known to out-compete native species and replace them over time, reducing species diversity. And human activity, fire and pests can also be a threat.
Despite this, Uganda Timber Growers Association has now restored 500 hectares of natural forest cover in the West Bugwe Central Forest Reserve. They've planted over 180,000 native tree seedlings, and restoration is still ongoing. This will protect soil, contribute to global climate goals and improve biodiversity for years to come. In fact, the forest is home to two nationally threatened species of butterfly that will benefit from the increased forest cover.
Supporting local communities
And it’s not just the environment that has benefited from the reforesting work in Uganda. UTGA worked with local communities to involve them in the project, training them to plant and tend to the trees, and patrol the forests. This created more jobs in the community and a sense of pride of the forest. Years later, local people are still involved in the project, showing the power of community in sustainable forestry. Because ultimately, the health of our world relies on it.
Ecosystem Services verification
Forest Stewardship Council introduced their Ecosystems Services procedure in 2018, which aims to reward those who responsibly manage forests, thereby preserving ecosystem services. The procedure offers a framework for verifying impacts and approving claims that can be used by forest managers to access ecosystem services markets and other benefits. It sets out the requirements for FSC-certified forest managers to credibly demonstrate the impact of their activities on the maintenance, conservation, restoration or enhancement of ecosystem services.
Soil Association Certification is now offering Ecosystem Services certification as an addition to Forest Management certification, allowing our clients to make specific claims about the ecosystem services provided by their forests.
Want to find out more?
To discover more of the work we do and enquire about FSC certification, Ecosystem Services and becoming certified, please contact the Forestry team.
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