FSC® Certification
We certify to FSC® standards for Forest Management and Chain of Custody certification
In response to growing concern about the protection of forests, we helped set up the Forest Stewardship Council® (FSC®) in 1993. The FSC is a global, not-for-profit organization dedicated to the promotion of responsible forest management worldwide. FSC defines standards based on agreed principles for responsible forest stewardship that are supported by environmental, social, and economic stakeholders. Over 200 million hectares of forest are certified to FSC forest management standards and FSC controlled wood forest management standards across the globe. We were one of the first FSC accredited certification bodies.
FSC has developed a unique system of forest certification and product labelling, helping consumers identify timber and products from responsibly managed forests. FSC’s system is backed by a range of environmental and social NGOs, major companies and trade unions.
More FSC products mean that more FSC certified forests are being managed for the long-term well-being of people and the planet.
How does it work?
FSC has developed ten rules, or principles, that define good forest management. These include:
- recognition of communities and indigenous peoples' rights
- long-term economic viability
- protection of wildlife and the environment.
FSC Forest Management Standards are built around these principles and have been adapted for different countries around the world. In countries where FSC has not yet endorsed national standards, Soil Association Certification has developed adapted standards. Rigorous controls ensure that timber from these FSC certified sources can be verified along the FSC chain of custody before it reaches the consumer.
FSC Ecosystem Services
In 2018, FSC introduced the FSC Ecosystem Services procedure, which aims to reward existing and potential Forest Management certificate holders to quantify a wider range of positive impacts of the forest management and make them market-viable. We can offer FSC Ecosystems Services verification internationally as an addition to Forest Management certification, allowing our clients to make specific claims about the ecosystem services provided by their forests.
Why should you certify?
High consumer demand for ethically sourced products means that companies can on average earn an extra US$1.80 for every cubic metre of FSC-certified roundwood or equivalent. This takes into account the costs associated with certification so FSC is both a responsible and economically beneficial choice for businesses.
Whether for forest management, chain of custody, controlled wood or construction projects, Soil Association Certification can offer you FSC certification. Conveniently, our audits can be combined with PEFC certification. These schemes help your organisation meet legal regulations and public and private timber procurement policies worldwide. (20-001 1.10.1.a)
Years of experience and auditors based across the globe mean we have the expertise to provide a competitive and professional service to your business. If you would like to promote your commitment to responsible forestry apply now.
For more information about the FSC® please visit their website.
Take the next steps
Forest Management
Demonstrate that your forest management is in line with the most respected industry standards
Chain of Custody
Ensure your wood-based products meet the highest sustainable standards.