- Soil Association
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- Labelling Guide

Labelling of organic food and drink
This information is correct at the time of publishing (12th October 2022).
Get to the information you need:
Labelling requirements
Please refer to our standards for information on requirements for labelling organic goods. General organic labelling requirements can be found in section 5.8 of our Food and Drink standards.
Post-brexit requirements
We recommend you also refer to labelling guidance, which specially details how following Brexit, requirements differ for different destination markets in Europe.
Please note:
Operators may use up labelling placed on the GB market prior to January 2021 until 31st December 2023. This deadline also applies to other general labelling requirements (not specific to organic), such as pre-packaged food or caseins sold in GB being required to include a UK address for the FBO or importer (not an EU address).
Correct use of the Soil Association organic symbol and EU organic registered marks
- The Soil Association and EU organic logos can be downloaded from here, along with further guidance on correct use of these registered marks.
- The Soil Association and EU organic logos can be downloaded from here, along with further guidance on using the symbol.
Labelling guidelines
Download here
Talk to us
As the organic experts in the UK we provide a wealth of free information and guidance to our organic licensees.
If you can’t find what you’re looking for on these pages, please get in touch by emailing brexitsupport@soilassociation.org.
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