After your inspection
What to expect after your inspection
When your inspection is complete, the inspector will send you a report outlining what has been checked and discussed.
If any area of compliance that needs more attention has been identified, an Action Summary Form (ASF) will be issued with the report. The ASF will describe the non-compliances and additional information that might be required. You can read our guidance on how to use this form below.
What happens after your inspection
Watch our video about completing your inspection:
Action Summary Form
The signed and complete ASF must be returned with any additional information to the certification team within the required timeframe. The corrective actions in the ASF describes how the non-compliance has been resolved and what steps have been taken to prevent it to occur again in future, with supportive evidence.
Once your report and ASF have been returned to us, we will review them and send you an approval message.
What you need to do:
- Please read through your ASF carefully, checking whether you need to send in any additional documentation
- Please enter your corrective actions against any non-compliance listed. Each corrective action should clearly show how the non-compliance has been/will be addressed
- It is important to include an explanation of how each non-compliance will be prevented from reoccurring in the future.
- Where possible, you should provide evidence in support of your proposed action. For example:
- Copies of new procedures, along with evidence showing that they have been issued and implemented
- Copies of completed records in use, such as veterinary, training, cleaning or goods-in records
- Photographic evidence, invoices
- Please don’t forget to sign and date the bottom of the ASF
- Return the completed ASF, together with any requested documentation, within the timescale detailed on the form. This will either be 30 or 14 days, depending on the issues raised at inspection
You may need to send us information or management plans. If these cannot be sent in within the 30 days, please use the form to tell us when to expect them.
How to return the ASF
Email your form to us at cert@soilassociation.org.
Or you can post your form to us at Soil Association Certification Limited, Spear House, 51 Victoria Street, Bristol BS1 6AD.
Action points for Red Tractor farm assurance schemes, once signed and completed, should be sent directly to SAI global at agrifood@saiglobal.com with any additional information.
It is important that you return the completed form and required information by the date stated. If you miss this date, you risk suspension of your licence, which would mean you could not sell your products as organic.
ASF terms explained:
Comment = General information regarding the standards, for your reference.
Certification Committee (CC) issue = An issue that could not be resolved at inspection which needs consideration by our certification committee. This issue may result in you or us taking further action.
Application requirement = A requirement or standard that you must meet before your licence can be issued.
Minor non-compliance = Failure to comply with a specific standard.
Major non-compliance = More serious breach of standards or a failure to correct a previous non-compliance.
Critical non-compliance = Repeat failure to correct a previous non-compliance, or a breach of standards deemed to affect the integrity of the product or enterprise, which may result in loss of organic status. Critical non-compliances are referred to the certification committee, which considers what action should be taken. A member of the certification team will contact you after the meeting to inform you of the committee's decision.
Get in touch
Our team are here to help if you have any questions about your inspection.
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