Latest Avian flu news & protecting your birds
The Avian Influenza situation has become more widespread over the previous weeks. The AIPZ (Avian Influenza prevention zone) including mandatory housing measures currently extends to the following areas in England:
East Riding of Yorkshire
City of Kingston Upon Hull
York and North Yorkshire.
This applies to all kept birds in the affected areas including pet birds, commercial flocks and back yard flocks. The housing measures mean that it will be a legal requirement for all poultry keepers in the affected areas to keep their birds indoors, or otherwise separate from wild birds, and to follow the strict biosecurity measures to limit the spread of and eradicate the disease. Please check the Defra website for details of the specific rules.
The remainder of England, and Scotland and Wales is under normal AIPZ without mandatory housing until further notice. Specific control zones for affected units have been implemented (3km & 10km) – refer to the APHA interactive AI disease map for reference on your area.
Jerry Saunders - Orchard Organic Farm
We were very saddened to learn that a long-standing Soil Association Certification client, Jerry Saunders of Orchard Organic Farm, had a confirmed outbreak of AI on his farm and was ordered to cull the whole laying flock. Jerry shared that this has been devastating for his family business and was shocked by how quickly the disease spread through his flock, and how severe its impacts have been. Jerry wanted to highlight his experience as a reminder to other organic producers to be extra vigilant on your farms.
Please ensure you are:
Maintaining thorough biosecurity – Please refer to Defra guidance
Monitoring for any signs of disease in birds and seek prompt advice from your vet if you have any concerns about your birds
If you suspect bird flu in your poultry, you must report it immediately by calling:
• 03000 200 301 if you’re in England
• 03003 038 268 if you’re in Wales
• your local Field Services Office if you’re in Scotland.
You should report dead wild birds to the Defra helpline on 03459 33 55 77.
Our inspections and keeping your birds safe
We have received guidance from Defra that our inspections of poultry farms should carry on as required, however please be assured that we have a detailed procedure in place for our inspectors, to manage inspections safely during this time.
If your birds are under housing order, we will not physically enter the houses, but check bird welfare via remote methods (i.e. footage taken by farmers)
We will not visit your farm under any circumstances if you are in a 3km control zone
We will adhere to strict biosecurity measures, and discuss any additional biosecurity needs with you when booking any poultry inspection
Guidance for managing bird welfare
When organic poultry do have to be housed you must ensure they have access to roughage and other environmental enhancement to meet their ethological needs (SA Standard 3.12.19). Bales of straw, hay or alfalfa, pecking blocks, vegetables and other vegetations such as foliage can all help to provide birds with the roughage they need and environmental enrichment to meet their needs to forage for food. Products that are eaten by the birds must be organic or approved for use under organic standard requirements. For more information on enrichment materials see the Featherwel website. Additionally litter management is critically important and extra attention should be made to ensure litter it dry and friable (topped up as needed) with increased droppings and traffic from housed birds.
Read our guidance on coping with housing orders & maintaining good flock welfare, as well as previous guidance from Soil Association's Organic Farming magazine.