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GB organic regulation review- opportunity to have your say.

GB organic regulation review- opportunity to have your say.

Defra have started a review of the organic regulations that apply in Great Britain (GB).

They will be reviewing all parts of the organic regulations that have been retained in GB from the EU, with the intention of having one single document that will apply in GB.

There is an opportunity for individuals, and stakeholders, to get involved directly with Defra and take part in the discussions and workshops they are holding. You can contact them via the dedicated email address if you want to get involved directly:

Defra will be putting out a call for evidence in November, asking stakeholders for comments on the current regulation. If you have registered an interest with Defra they will email you about this. There will also be links on their website.

We will also be coordinating feedback to Defra. If you don’t want to get involved directly, but want to have a say, please contact us with details of what part of the regulation you think needs review or if there are parts that you want to safeguard from change.

This process is important, not only to develop and evolve the GB organic regulation where change will be a good thing, but also to safeguard against change that you do not feel should be allowed in the Organic regulation.

To send comments to us please send them to