Updates to permitted food and feed inputs in Northern Ireland
The EU have issued an update to the list of permitted food and feed inputs. This covers farm production, feed and food processing.
You can view the changes here in EC Regulation 2023/2229.
However, not all the changes will be automatically added to Soil Association standards and their possible inclusion will be consulted on in 2024. If you are a business, we certify to Soil Association standards only the updates to use of Ascorbic acid; Lecithin; Potassium and Sodium Tartrates will all be added at this time to Soil Association standards. For the changes to fertilisers; plant protection products; feed minerals, pet food and the food additive potassium sodium tartrate, Soil Association will send out a consultation in 2024 on whether these should be add to Soil Association standards for Northern Ireland.
If you are a business we certify in Northern Ireland to the EU regulation only, and not to Soil Association standards, all the changes will apply. We will issue an updated version of the EU standards in 2024.
If you have any questions, please contact your certification officer if you are a farmer, grower or feedmill, or e-mail food.drink@soilassociation.org if you are a food or drink licensee.