
Reduced list of permitted non-organic agricultural ingredients for Northern Ireland

Reduced list of permitted non-organic agricultural ingredients for Northern Ireland

The EU organic regulation 2018/848, which applies in Northern Ireland, stipulates which non-organic agricultural ingredients are permitted for use in organic product (up to 5%).

You do not have to apply for a derogation to use these ingredients. The regulation 2021/1165 published in July 2021 reduced the number of permitted non-organic agricultural ingredients quite considerably and allowed companies until 1st January 2024 to make changes to products.   

These changes are already detailed in our Northern Ireland standards under 6.6.1.

From 1st January 2024, you may only use the following products in non-organic form in your organic products:

  1. Alga Arame (Eisenia Bicyclis), unprocessed as well as products of first-stage processing directly related to this alga

  2. Alga Hijiki (Hizikia fusiforme), unprocessed as well as products of first-stage processing directly related to this alga

  3. *Bark of the Pau d’arco tree Handroanthus impetiginosus (‘lapacho’)- only for use in Kombucha and tea mixtures

  4. Wild fishes and wild aquatic animals, unprocessed as well as products derived therefrom by processes - only from fisheries that have been certified as sustainable under a scheme recognised by the competent authority in line with the principles laid down in Regulation (EU) No 1380/2013, in accordance with point (c) of Part III of Annex II to Regulation (EU) 2018/848 only when not available in organic aquaculture

  5. Gelatin - from other sources than porcine

  6. Casings - from natural raw materials of animal origin or from plant origin material

  7. *Milk mineral powder/liquid - only when used for its sensory function to replace wholly or partly sodium chloride Please note that this new list will undergo a consultation process to determine if the Soil Association will allow the new

* Please note: Bark of the Pau d’arco tree and Milk mineral powder/liquid are not currently permitted under Soil Association standards. Soil Association will be consulting shortly on whether they should also be included in SA standards.

You will no longer be permitted to use the following in non-organic form:

Acorns (Quercus species);  cola nuts (Cola acuminata) ; gooseberries (Ribes uva-crispa);  passion fruit also known as maracujas (Passiflora edulis); dried raspberries (Rubus idaeus); dried redcurrants (Ribes rubrum); Peruvian pepper (Schinus molle L.); horseradish seeds (Armoracia rusticana); lesser galanga (Alpina officinarum);  safflower flowers (Carthamus tinctorius);  watercress (Nasturtium officinale); Algae, including seaweeds, which are allowed as food ingredients;  fructose; rice paper; unleavened bread paper; starch from rice and waxy maize; pea protein (Pisum species); rum, only obtained from cane sugar juice; kirsch; whey powder 'herasoula'; Wild fishes and wild aquatic animals – unless sourced from fisheries that have been certified as sustainable.

It will still be possible to apply for a derogation to use other non-organic agricultural ingredients which are not available in organic form. The derogations are issued for 6 months. Please refer to standards 6.7.1 for full details.

In addition to the above the regulation also allows a number of additives, processing aids, flavourings etc and these are listed in our standards.

If you think you will have difficulties complying with this change, or have questions, please contact our certification team at