
Opening hours for Certificates of Inspection over Christmas and New Year

Opening hours for Certificates of Inspection over Christmas and New Year

The Import/ Export team will be available between 26th December 2023 – 1st January 2024 operating a reduced service to process pre-arranged COIs only.

Please contact the team coi@soilassociation.org as soon as possible if your business requires COI endorsement during this time and the expected volume so we can staff accordingly.

Last date to submit COIs in 2023 that are not pre-arranged: we require all Northern Ireland, EU and EEA COIs to be submitted to us by 4pm on Thursday 21st December.

Saturday 23rd December: we will only be processing pre-arranged COIs and those submitted prior to 23rd December on this day. Our working hours will be 12pm - 4.30pm

Sunday 24th & Monday 25th December 2023 - CLOSED

Tuesday 26th December – Monday 1st January 2024: Our working hours will be 12-4.30pm to process COIs submitted by pre-arrangement only

Tuesday 2nd January 2024: normal office opening hours, please bear with us as we are expecting a higher number of COIS to be submitted on this day.

Non-EU Exporting Certificates

We require all non-EU paperwork (NOP, NAQS, Export Certificates and ECOP) to be submitted to us by 4pm on Tuesday 19th December 2023. We will not be endorsing non-EU paperwork submitted between 22nd December 2023– 1st January 2024. Normal service will resume on Tuesday 2nd January 2024.

Certification Queries 

All general certification queries will be responded to from January 2nd, if you have an urgent query before this date, please call 0117 987 4564 and leave a message. Messages will be checked and any queries which are deemed to be an emergency we will respond to as soon as possible.

Please note emails into the cert@soilassociation.org or to the certification team will not be responded to during this time.                       

Thank you for your ongoing support throughout 2023