
Additional controls on imports into the EU & NI

Additional controls on imports into the EU & NI

Affecting importers based in Northern Ireland & the EU.

The European Commission introduced new import controls from 1st July 2022. These additional controls apply to certain products imported from specific countries, as detailed in the Table 1 below. These additional controls will be in place from 1st July 2022 to 31st December 2022.

There are requirements for the certification bodies in those countries listed to carry out additional inspections, sampling and more detailed record reviews. 

In addition there are requirements for the EU border control posts (BCP) to test a percentage of those products as detailed in Table 2 below. Testing will be ‘Based on expert knowledge, all relevant non-authorised substances, including ETO, should be looked for and the most appropriate methods for detection for each substance shall be used’. 

This additional sampling will be in place for those specific imports into the EU & Northern Ireland (NI) , so if you are an importer in NI, (or within the EU), and import any of the affected products into EU or NI, they may be sampled and tested by the BCP. 

There are no additional actions that you need to take other than continuing to inform the BCP in advance of each consignment’s arrival.

If you do not import any of the affected products into EU or NI then these additional controls will not affect you.

Table 1

Table 2

  • A minimum of 50% of all consignments concerning the following high incidence products from the aforementioned list: 

  • A minimum 10% of all consignments for the remaining products from the aforementioned list. Additional controls should be carried out by Member States based on their own risk assessment. 

The above applies only to EU and NI imports from those countries. Defra have not indicated that they intend to implement the same controls for GB, but please note controls remain in place for certain imports to GB from Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Russian Federation, Moldova, Turkey and China. Read more in our previous Certification Update.