
Copper for use on apple and pear crops

Copper for use on apple and pear crops

An emergency authorisation has been granted for copper hydroxide (Funguran Progress) to be used on organic apple and pear crops as a fungicide against Nectria Canker - this authorisation applies to England only. 

For the latest information across the devolved nations, please refer to the HSE database. 

The following specific restrictions apply to the current authorisation 

  • This authorisation will expire on Friday 30th April 2021 and will not be renewed
  • Applications can only be made prior to bud burst (BBCH 07)
  • This emergency authorisation is for use in England only
  • Funguran Progress’ must only be used by apple and pear growers that are registered with an approved UK organic control and certification body
  • Application of ‘Funguran Progress’ must only be made to organic apple and pear orchards of 5 years of age or less
  • This product qualifies for inclusion within the Local Environment Risk Assessment for Pesticides (LERAP) scheme for broadcast air-assisted sprayers
  • This product must not be applied via hand-held equipment
  • The maximum total dose of copper substances from all sources, including non-plant protection uses, must not exceed 4kg Cu/ha per annum

The use of copper hydroxide is restricted under the organic standards. Please ensure you meet the requirements of standard (2.6.2) and update your crop management plan if you intend to use this product.

An emergency authorisation to use copper on potato crops is unlikely in 2021. For more information, see our previous Certification News article. If you have any questions, please contact your Certification Officer.