
Change to regulations for livestock products exported to Japan

Change to regulations for livestock products exported to Japan

From Thursday 16th July, organic livestock products and/or products containing ingredients derived from livestock bound for Japan will need to display the Japanese Agricultural Standard (JAS) logo.  

Compliance must be overseen by a JAS accredited certification body. For Soil Association Certification clients, our partners, Ecocert Japan, can provide the necessary approval. While no inspection is necessary, there are some actions you will need to take.

If products are not certified under your Soil Association Certification organic licence prior to 16th July, you may need full certification to JAS, including an onsite inspection - we will issue a further update once this has been clarified.

Up until 16th July, organic livestock products can be exported to Japan using Soil Association Certification certificates to the EC organic regulations, though the JAS logo cannot be used.

If the new rules affect your business, please contact your Certification Officer or Export Support for more information.