
Soil Association Oil Palm Consultation

Soil Association Oil Palm Consultation

If you're a Soil Association certified food or feed business, and use ingredients from the oil palm tree (such as palm oil) in your certified products, please complete this survey.

The Soil Association are proposing to set a new sourcing requirement for oil palm ingredients used in certified food and feed products. It will require that oil palm ingredients in Soil Association certified organic products originate from farms (or plantations) that are also certified against a standard (or originate from a system) that's recognised by Soil Association for verifying the protection of High Conservation Values (an example of such a standard is Round Table on Sustainable Palm Oil – Identity Preserved or Segregated).
This is your opportunity to have your say on the proposal. The Soil Association need to find out more about your supply chain before setting the new requirement, and really want to hear from you. Your feedback will help to understand any implications of this change on your business.

Oil palm ingredients are likely to be found in the following product categories. If you trade in the product categories below, then the changes may apply to you, and we encourage you to take the survey:

  • Compound animal feed
  • Bread/breakfast goods
  • Cakes and biscuits
  • Chocolate and confectionary
  • Crisps, cereal bars and snacking
  • Fats and oils
  • Jams, spreads and conserves
  • Ready meals/Food to go
  • Soups and cooking sauces
  • Stocks and bouillons

You can find out more, and participate in the survey up until Friday 7th August. After this date, The Soil Association will analyse your feedback and review the proposal.