BOLICERT removed from EC cert list
We have received notification from Defra regarding the certifier, BOLICERT (based in Bolivia) - having previously reported that BOLICERT were removed from the European Commission’s list of approved certification bodies on 18th August 2017, and that no further product could be imported, for some reason, BOLICERT were not removed from the European Commission’s TRACES import system. Because of this, BOLICERT have incorrectly continued to issue some Certificates of Inspection (COI), so it appears that some product has continued to enter the EU, even though it should not have.
Defra have confirmed that consignments imported with a COI issued by BOLICERT after 18th August must be sold as non-organic. We will be checking this at our normal inspections. If you have imported a consignment certified by Bolicert after 18th August 2017, please place the product on hold and contact your Certification Officer as soon as possible.