
Basic Payment Scheme (BPS) Statements

Basic Payment Scheme (BPS) Statements

Farmers in England and Wales need to check their Basic Payment Scheme Statements carefully when they receive them. In Wales if you have received your payment check your statement carefully which is available on-line from Rural Payments Wales (RPW) website. 

There have been problems in particular with land eligibility and tree cover. If you feel penalties have been applied to you unfairly the Welsh Government have introduced a simplified appeals process which can be completed online or by paper to the RPW centre at Caernarfon. This is for stage one of the process only and you have up to 60 days to appeal.

In England the Rural Payments Agency (RPA) are due to send out statements towards the end of January and the problems so far encountered have been mistakes where amendments have been made to a farm’s entitlements using the RLE1 form. There have been reports, in some instances, that these amendments have not been added in to a holding’s claim payment.

You will need to check for inaccuracies yourself as the RPA will not do it for you.

If you have any questions at all, please contact your Certification Officer.