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- Inspection Guidance

Inspection Guidance
During the inspection there are certain records, documents and processes that the inspector will need to see.
The checklists below provide an overview of what will need to be available based on the activities you are certified to undertake.
There is also guidance on completing the Corrective Actions which details any issues identified at the inspection that require attention.
Preparing for your first COSMOS manufacturer inspection
Information required at application inspection. For businesses that undertake manufacturing, packing or any other processing activities
Preparing for your first COSMOS brandholder inspection
Information required at application inspection. For businesses that are brandholders/solely office based
Preparing for your COSMOS manufacturer inspection
Information required at annual/renewal inspections. For businesses that undertake manufacturing, packing or any other processing activities
Preparing for your COSMOS brandholder inspection
Information required at annual/renewal inspections. For businesses that are brandholders/solely office based
Completing the Corrective Actions
Guidance on completing the Corrective Actions for the actions raised during inspection