Hedgerows go a long, long way to protecting nature

But we need them to stretch even further.

Hedgerows are nature’s heroes. They protect the soil, provide habitats for wildlife, and even help to fight climate change.

But an astonishing 50% of our hedgerows were destroyed in the post-war years, doing incalculable damage to plants and wildlife. At Woodoaks Farm, we’ve been working hard to rebuild our vital hedgerows. With the help of kind supporters like you, we’ve planted 2,000 metres of hedges at Woodoaks so far. 

Our aim is to plant another 600 metres. Will you help with a donation today?

Help plant 600 metres of hedgerows at Woodoaks

After the Second World War, thousands of miles of precious hedgerows were ripped out to create vast, prairie-like fields. This was a disaster for nature, doing incalculable damage to plants and wildlife.

The hedgerows we've planted already at Woodoaks Farm have had enormous impact, increasing biodiversity across the farm, boosting the soil, and attracting a wonderfully diverse range of wildlife.

But there’s still a long, long way to go. Our aim is to plant another 600 metres of life-giving hedgerows, but we can only do it with your support.

Help us plant more life-giving hedgerows with a gift today 

  • Hedgerows help replenish wildlife. A diverse number of species rely on the food and shelter provided by hedgerows including birds, butterflies, bees, insects and small mammals.

  • They improve soil quality. Hedgerows play an essential role on farmland, acting as barriers to help prevent fertile topsoil from being lost to wind and water run-off.

  • And they help fight climate change. Healthy soils store three times as much carbon as the atmosphere. Hedgerows, by promoting good root structures and covering the landscape with trees and plants, actively develop stronger, healthier, more fertile soils.

How your gift could help restore our vital hedgerows:

  • £107 could help buy eight metres of hedgerow that locks in carbon and strikes a blow in the fight against climate change.

  • £53 could help buy four metres of hedgerow that helps protect the soil from the elements and improves its quality and fertility.

  • £27 could help buy two metres of hedgerow that provides a haven for wildlife, from bees and butterflies to birds and small mammals.