
Combining trees with crops or livestock is more productive, better for wildlife and healthier for the planet, but only 3% of the UK’s farmland currently practices agroforestry.  

Find out how we’re working with farmers to achieve our goal of over half of UK farms having agroforestry systems in place by 2030.

What is agroforestry?

Agroforestry is the practice of combining agricultural crops or livestock with trees and shrubs. It is a great example of agroecology in action.

Agroforestry provides healthier soil, higher yields and vital homes for wildlife. 


What are the benefits?

Agroforestry has multiple benefits. 

Research has revealed that it can:

  • Enhance farm productivity
  • Increase wildlife
  • Improve soil health and animal welfare
  • Manage water flow
  • Contribute to climate change mitigation

Plant a hedge

With support from people like you we’ve already helped plant thousands more trees on farms. 

With a regular monthly gift, you can help bring natural hedgerows back to British farmland at the charity's Woodoaks farm site. These hedges will help lock up carbon, improve soil health, provide homes for wildlife and help produce more food per hectare.

A regular gift of £5 will plant 1 metre of hedge each month.

Agroforestry in action

Find out how seven farmers are teaming up with scientists to research the benefits of agroforestry in our latest Field Lab

Join our community

Sign up to our newsletter to learn more about how you can support future agroforestry projects and campaigns.

What more can be done?

Download our report to read more on the benefits, barriers and opportunities for agroforestry, plus our 7 recommendations for Government.

Agroforestry Handbook

This handbook is the essential guide to agroforestry for farmers and advisors. Learn about the benefits and how to implement it on your farm.