How do we feed a growing population, healthily? Respond to a changing climate? Create a resilient, secure and fair farming system? Tackle the nature and health crises?
The Farming for Change report explores these questions in detail and reveals the research that shows that, with the right enabling conditions, we can grow enough healthy food for a future UK population.
This initial paper explores how the model challenges and develops our thinking about agroecology in this country and focuses on five critical areas:
“This research does not supply all the answers, but it clearly indicates that agroecology should be given serious consideration in the debates on the future of land use for climate, nature and health. It is crucial that farmers, especially those already pioneering agroecological approaches such as organic farming, are given a seat at the table in these policy debates.”
Helen Browning, Chief Executive of the Soil Association
FFCC was set up three years ago as an independent inquiry funded by Esmée Fairbairn Foundation and hosted by the RSA. Its initial purpose was to help shape a new vision and mandate for a just transition to sustainable food and farming systems, to respond to the interconnected crises in climate, nature and public health.