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Achieving Wellness with Viridian Nutrition

Achieving Wellness

As Organic Beauty & Wellbeing Week approaches, we're picking the brains of industry experts on what mindful beauty and holistic wellbeing means to them.

Throughout the week you can find ethical nutrition brand, Viridian Nutrition, presenting their latest and greatest supplements, teas and oils as well as expert advice by Viridian Nutrition's, Ben Brown. We explore the concept of what wellbeing actually means and how you can incorporate holistic wellbeing practices into your daily routine. Founder of Viridian Nutrition Cheryl Thallon shares her thoughts on achieving wellbeing. 

The term ‘wellbeing’ has many interpretations, what does wellbeing mean to you?

That’s a really good question. For many people wellbeing represents an exceptional feeling, euphoric mood, in peak physical condition and focussed mindfulness. For others it is simply an absence of pain. Understanding and meeting the expectations of our customers is what we do best.

In recent years there has been a steady growth of people taking on a more holistic approach to their health and lifestyle. Why do you think this is?

It’s a very healthy phenomenon; the birth of the NHS just after WW2 encouraged people to hand over responsibility for their health to the (predominantly) men in white coats. In recent years, new generations are recognising that pharma doesn’t necessarily have our best interests at heart. The internet has allowed patients to investigate and become experts in their conditions, asking more questions and choosing the right mix of orthodox and complementary health disciplines for them. An ageing demographic, and struggling NHS has meant that many of us are focussed on prevention rather than relying on the NHS for a cure.

What advice can you give people who want to start incorporating wellbeing practises into their everyday routine?

Never underestimate the power of a single meal – the nutrients start to immediately affect your physiology and psychology. Switch to a plant-based diet, preferably organic where available. Exercise – start with just 25 minutes walking per day. And meditate or spend time with friends in nature.

As a prestigious wellbeing brand, you focus on the power of supplements. How can incorporating supplements help people to achieve their full wellness potential?

At Viridian Nutrition, we have a ‘food first’ philosophy. However, supplements can enhance a good diet. From a nutritional perspective, ensure you have a high quality multi vitamin, a probiotic and an omega-3 (such as flax or fish oil) daily. These three supplements are a great basis for wellbeing. Get further advice from your local specialist health store. Find your nearest store at

You can find out more about Organic Beauty & Wellbeing Week here.

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