Organic Beauty & Wellbeing Week: 11th-17th September 2023

Organic Beauty and Wellbeing Week is part of the Soil Association's Organic September campaign.

Download your FREE "One Small Swap" asset pack!

If everyone made One Small Swap to a Certified Organic Beauty or Wellbeing product, we could make a world of difference to climate, people and the planet. Download your FREE pack here which highlights the guarantees the Soil Association logo on a product provides. We have also created frames where you can add in your certified organic "small swap"  and encourage others to do so!

Tell us your Organic Story!

This Organic September is special, because we are celebrating 50 years of Soil Association Organic certification! We want to collect stories from our certified brands to celebrate the hard work you have put into becoming certified. Submit your story today!

41 % of consumers would be encouraged to make a sustainable beauty purchase if the brand had recognisable third party certification
Sustainability information is 3 x more important than product reviews for beauty and wellbeing consumers
89 % of UK consumers recognise the term "organic"

Browse our certified brands

From skincare and makeup to health and wellbeing, the Soil Association certify over 250 brands so you can be assured of the quality and integrity of their products.


Organic Beauty & Wellbeing Market Report

The Organic Beauty & Wellbeing Market Report is the only report covering the certified organic beauty and wellbeing market in the UK today.

The 2022 report details the 12th consecutive year of growth for this market, with +6.8% growth in 2022 of Soil Association certified organic and natural products meaning this market is now worth £148m.

91 % of brands say that Soil Association certification boosts their sustainability credentials

Organic September

Organic September is a month-long campaign designed to encourage more people to try organic as a way to promote and educate people about food and farming practises. 
